Our Background in Franchising

We started our franchise Consultancy in 1991. Our first client was ERA (Expense Reduction Analysts) Worldwide. We know how to set up franchises in the most cost effective way possible. But how can we prove that to you?

If you are thinking of franchising your business you will need experienced help to set it up. Your choices of a consultant can be very confusing; there are 71 pages on the search engine. If you contact the BFA (British Franchise Association), they will give you a list of their approved consultants, many of whom will want to offer you a feasibility study (£10 – £15,000) and then quote you £25,000 + to start your franchise, with legal fees on top, of between £6 – £12,000. At the other end of the financial scale you will find a DIY template kit for £1,999 or a £6,000 package with the consultant doing 90% of the work. Another company guarantees an all in price of £10,000 in return for an exclusive recruiting deal.

So how do you choose?

Let us tell you where we are in this overwhelming plethora of choice. We offer the most cost effective franchise consultancy package to carefully selected clients. We work nationally but only with a small number of franchisors. We believe that there are 3 ingredients to a successful franchise consultancy service:

Chemistry – Respect – Trust

When they are all in place it’s a true WIN / WIN / WIN / WIN situation. A win for the franchisor, the franchisees, the customers and us. How can we find out if all three of those ingredients are true for us all? We think we have the answer …

If we believe that your business is capable of being franchised into a proven market place, where franchising has been successful and that your own company is viable and able to cope with expansion, then we are offering you a 2 hour workshop entitled “Is Franchising Right For You?”.

You and your colleagues will be given an insider’s look into all aspects of franchising, including all the benefits and the disadvantages. It will provide useful, practical and common sense guidelines as to your way forward. We will share with you tips and techniques that will save your company time, effort and money. You will see how our approach to consultancy, working with you, really can be the most cost effective way to grow your business.

At this workshop we will quickly realise if there will be chemistry between us, working for and with you. It is a key ingredient of our success (and does include the ability to laugh!). There is absolutely no obligation to you and no cost. The venue is at our Northampton office, where we can accommodate up to 6 colleagues. Some companies often bring their accountant. (Ask him or her to see our TEN video clip on the website, for the accountancy profession).

If this idea appeals to you please give Bill Loryman, senior partner, a ring for an exploratory discussion.

Filmed on Channel 4 for the Accountancy Profession
“Can Franchising Be A Success?”